This was an aging in place group project with Warm Hearth Village from Blacksburg, VA and SFCS Architects Inc from Roanoke, VA.
My team consisted of my fellow classmates Frannie Polacheck, Tina White, and Luke Benish.
The elderly struggle with losing valuable items, especially when it comes to remembering where they last set them down. Something as important as glasses or as valuable as a phone should not be easily lost. If they had a specific place to put their belongings, they would always remember where to look.
Research on glasses users and memory impairment in the United States.
Sketching solutions to our problem.
The Product
Space Grey Filament
Space Grey Filament
White Acrylic
White Acrylic
LED Strip
LED Strip
Black Silicon Mat
Black Silicon Mat
Logo design
I designed the logo, there were many more iterations but this shows the main changes from start to finish.
How to use
Final prototype
I researched the glasses users and memory impairment in adults in the Unites States. I did market research and discovered there were similar products, but the did not offer all the features that Sunny Side Up does. I determined that a vibration sensor would be the best to use to activate the light. I designed the Sunny Side Up logo. I assisted with renders of the product. And I hand modeled for the images and how to use video.

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